12:38 AM

Dollar Rises as Nonfarm Payrolls Drop Fast

Posted by Forex News

July 2nd, 2009

EUR/USD declined past the yesterday’s open level today as the currency traders reacted on the deeper than expected drop in the U.S. nonfarm payrolls. Worsening of the employment market situation spurs speculations that the recovery from the current crisis may be quite far from now. Going into more risky currencies isn’t a good choice in this case. EUR/USD is now trading near 1.4010.

Nonfarm payrolls declined by 467k in June, following 322k drop in May. The payrolls were expected to go down by 365k according to forecasts. Overall unemployment rate increased from 9.4% to 9.5%.

Initial jobless claims were at 614k last week, down from 630k reported a week earlier. The report went out almost matching the forecast which was at 615k.

Factory orders increased by 1.2% in May, following 0.5% rise in April (revised negatively from 0.7%). The market expected a 0.9% increase.

EUR/USD Propels on Improved Macroeconomics

July 1st, 2009

The euro rose against the dollar today as some important economic indicators in U.S. showed a recovery from the global crisis, while only construction spending report showed a negative dynamics. EUR/USD is now trading near 1.4171 — the highest value since June 5.

ADP employment report for June showed a decrease by 473k jobs during that month, but that was considered a positive signal since it was less than 485k decline demonstrated in May (positively revised from 532k drop). According to the consensus forecast, jobs were expected to fall by 394k in June.

Construction spending fell in May by 0.9% after rising by 0.6% a month earlier. It was expected to decrease by only 0.6%.

ISM manufacturing index advanced from 42.8% to 44.8% in June — slightly higher than the forecast suggested (44%).

Pending home sales index rose for the fourth consecutive month in U.S. and gained 0.1% in May, following 3.3% gain in April.

U.S. crude oil inventories continued to fall last week and decreased by 3.7 million barrels.

EUR/USD Shows Spike on Consumer Confidence Decline

June 30th, 2009

Dollar was losing against the euro during the first half of the trading session today but managed to regain it’s position after some important fundamental reports were released in United States. The negative values in the reports made traders to go for the «safer» dollar. EUR/USD is now trading near 1.4042.

S&P/Case-Shiller seasonally adjusted home price index for the 20 U.S. states declined by 18.1% in April compared to the last year, following 18.7% drop in March. The average forecast for this index yearly change was at -18.63%.

Consumer confidence unexpectedly dropped at a very fast pace — to 49.3 in June from 54.8 in May. It was expected to go up to 55.3.

Chicago PMI business barometer index rose from 34.9 to 39.9 in June. It exceeded the median forecast of 39 for this indicator.

What Pairs Do You Trade?

June 29th, 2009

My own experience suggests that the majority of the traders usually trades on 2 or 3 preferred Forex pairs that usually include EUR/USD, GBP/USD and USD/JPY, while not many go into other major crosses with an extremely low number of traders touching something exotic like USD/BRL or NZD/CHF. In Forex different currency pairs are interconnected and there is no real diversification possible contrary to the stock markets. Some professional traders always insist on concentrating only on one pair. But I like to find opportunities in all the pairs that are supported by my broker and have sane spreads. What currency pairs do you prefer to trade? In this poll you can select multiple answers if you trade on more than one currency pair.

What currency pairs do you trade?

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Forex Chart Patterns — EUR/JPY and GBP/USD

June 28th, 2009

Another set of chart patterns — this time for the EUR/JPY and GBP/USD Forex pairs. Only two patterns are presented this time because other interesting patterns are now in that stage when it’s already too late to enter any positions based on them. I hope that you can use the patterns shown in this post. They are not 100% profitable trades but still offer a good entry point for medium-term traders. Click the images to get the full-size screenshots of the charts.

1. GBP/USD, Daily, Ascending Triangle:
GBPUSD, D1, 2009-06-28

2. EUR/JPY, Daily, Rising Wedge:
EURJPY, D1, 2009-06-28

Forex Technical Analysis for 06/29—07/03 Week

June 27th, 2009

EUR/USD trend: sell.
GBP/USD trend: buy.
USD/JPY trend: sell.
EUR/JPY trend: sell.

Floor Pivot Points
Pair 3rd Sup 2nd Sup 1st Sup Pivot 1st Res 2nd Res 3rd Res
EUR/USD 1.3520 1.3634 1.3785 1.3898 1.4049 1.4162 1.4313
GBP/USD 1.5891 1.6039 1.6265 1.6413 1.6640 1.6787 1.7014
USD/JPY 91.93 93.72 94.99 96.78 98.05 99.84 101.11
EUR/JPY 126.36 129.35 131.75 134.74 137.15 140.13 142.54
Woodie’s Pivot Points
Pair 2nd Sup 1st Sup Pivot 1st Res 2nd Res
EUR/USD 1.3643 1.3803 1.3908 1.4068 1.4172
GBP/USD 1.6058 1.6305 1.6433 1.6680 1.6807
USD/JPY 93.59 94.74 96.65 97.80 99.71
EUR/JPY 129.20 131.46 134.60 136.85 139.99
Camarilla Pivot Points
Pair 4th Sup 3rd Sup 2nd Sup 1st Sup 1st Res 2nd Res 3rd Res 4th Res
EUR/USD 1.3790 1.3863 1.3887 1.3911 1.3960 1.3984 1.4008 1.4081
GBP/USD 1.6286 1.6389 1.6424 1.6458 1.6527 1.6561 1.6595 1.6698
USD/JPY 94.58 95.42 95.70 95.98 96.55 96.83 97.11 97.95
EUR/JPY 131.19 132.67 133.17 133.66 134.65 135.14 135.64 137.12
Tom DeMark’s Pivot Points
Resistance 1.3974 1.6526 98.95 135.94
Support 1.3709 1.6152 95.89 130.55
Fibonacci Retracement Levels
100.0% 1.4012 1.6560 98.57 137.73
61.8% 1.3911 1.6417 97.40 135.67
50.0% 1.3879 1.6373 97.04 135.04
38.2% 1.3848 1.6329 96.68 134.40
23.6% 1.3810 1.6274 96.23 133.61
0.0% 1.3747 1.6186 95.51 132.34

Forex Technical Analysis for 06/22—06/26 Week

June 20th, 2009
Floor Pivot Points
Pair 3rd Sup 2nd Sup 1st Sup Pivot 1st Res 2nd Res 3rd Res
EUR/USD 1.3447 1.3625 1.3820 1.3999 1.4194 1.4373 1.4568
GBP/USD 1.5133 1.5467 1.5954 1.6288 1.6776 1.7109 1.7597
USD/JPY 95.61 96.35 97.38 98.12 99.15 99.89 100.92
EUR/JPY 133.66 134.67 136.30 137.31 138.94 139.95 141.57
Woodie’s Pivot Points
Pair 2nd Sup 1st Sup Pivot 1st Res 2nd Res
EUR/USD 1.3629 1.3829 1.4003 1.4202 1.4377
GBP/USD 1.5505 1.6032 1.6326 1.6853 1.7148
USD/JPY 96.42 97.53 98.19 99.30 99.96
EUR/JPY 134.82 136.60 137.46 139.24 140.10
Camarilla Pivot Points
Pair 4th Sup 3rd Sup 2nd Sup 1st Sup 1st Res 2nd Res 3rd Res 4th Res
EUR/USD 1.3810 1.3913 1.3947 1.3981 1.4050 1.4084 1.4118 1.4221
GBP/USD 1.5990 1.6216 1.6292 1.6367 1.6517 1.6593 1.6668 1.6894
USD/JPY 97.44 97.93 98.09 98.25 98.58 98.74 98.90 99.39
EUR/JPY 136.47 137.20 137.44 137.68 138.16 138.40 138.65 139.37
Tom DeMark’s Pivot Points
Resistance 1.4283 1.6942 99.52 139.44
Support 1.3910 1.6121 97.75 136.80
Fibonacci Retracement Levels
100.0% 1.4177 1.6621 98.85 138.32
61.8% 1.4035 1.6308 98.17 137.32
50.0% 1.3990 1.6211 97.97 137.00
38.2% 1.3946 1.6114 97.76 136.69
23.6% 1.3892 1.5994 97.50 136.31
0.0% 1.3804 1.5800 97.08 135.69

Positive Revision of CPI Spurs EUR/USD Growth

June 17th, 2009

The U. S. dollar fell against the euro today as the consumer price index report showed a positive revision of the April’s value and also a higher than expected value for May. EUR/USD is now trading near 1.3855.

CPI rose by 0.1% in May in the United States after remaining unchanged in Aprl (revised from -0.7% reported a month ago). The forecasts for May were averaged near 0.9% decline.

Current account balance deficit decreased to $101.5 billion in the first quarter of 2009 (preliminary value). Q4 2008 deficit was revised from $132.8 billion to $154.9 billion. Latest Q1 deficit is the lowest since the fourth quarter of 2001, but it’s still above the median forecast of $85 billion.

Crude oil inventories decreased by 3.9 million barrels last week after falling by 4.4 million barrels one week earlier.

Rebound in EUR/USD after Housing Data Release

June 16th, 2009

EUR/USD rose today after the yesterday’s deep fall. It’s still trading below the Monday’s open level but managed to recover more than a half of its loss. Good housing statistics from U.S. made Forex traders to bet against the dollar in favor of the high-yielding currencies. EUR/USD is now trading near 1.3882.

Building permits rose from the seasonally-adjusted annual rate of 498k to 518k in May on 508k forecast. Housing starts rose from 454k to 532k in May on 485k forecast.

Producer Price Index (PPI) increased by 0.2% in May, following 0.3% gain in April and 0.6% forecast.

Industrial production in U.S. decreased by 1.1% in May after falling by 0.7% in April (revised negatively from 0.5% fall). Expected decline was 1%. Capacity utilization reached its new record minimum level at 68.3% (down from 69% in April).

EUR/USD Falls as Economic Conditions Worsen

June 15th, 2009

The euro fell against the dollar at a fastest pace since late March today as the U.S. fundamental indicators signaled a deepening of the recession. The traders now favor safety over gain. EUR/USD is now trading near 1.3785.

New York Empire State Index declined from -4.5 to -9.5 in June. The forecast for this index was at -4.6. It was a first decline of the index since March.

Net purchases of the U.S. long-term securities were at $11.2 billion in April — down from $55.4 billion that were reported for March. Traders expected $52.9 billion for April.

Export and import price indexes were reported last Friday. Import prices rose by 1.3% in May, while export prices advanced by 0.6% during that month. Both grew faster than in April (1.1% and 0.4% respectively).

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