9:06 PM

Foreign Exchange Rates

Posted by Forex News

Currency List
(Updated 2009.07.10 14:58:39)
Currency Name Currency Code Non-cashe Cashe Official Lithuania Bank rates
Buy Sell Buy Sell
AUD Australian Dollar AUD 1.8952 1.9546 - - 1.9390
CAD Canadian Dollar CAD 2.0999 2.1649 - - 2.1323
CHF Swiss Franc CHF 2.2517 2.3062 2.2410 2.3160 2.2798
CZK Czech Koruna CZK 0.1309 0.1347 - - 0.1330
DKK Danish Krone DKK 0.4583 0.4694 0.4570 0.4710 0.4637
EEK Estonian Kroon EEK 0.2181 0.2234 0.2170 0.2240 0.2207
EUR Euro EUR 3.4442 3.4614 3.4410 3.4640 3.4528
GBP British Pound Sterling GBP 3.9741 4.0696 3.9620 4.0820 3.9950
JPY Japanese Yen JPY 0.0266 0.0272 - - 0.0266
LVL Latvian Lats LVL 4.8721 5.0118 4.8560 5.0170 4.9297
NOK Norwegian Krone NOK 0.3756 0.3850 0.3740 0.3860 0.3799
PLN Polish Zloty PLN 0.7788 0.8010 0.7760 0.8030 0.7871
SEK Swedish Krona SEK 0.3102 0.3178 0.3090 0.3190 0.3126
USD US Dollar USD 2.4565 2.5067 2.4490 2.5140 2.4784
RUB Russian Ruble RUB 0.0746 0.0775 - - 0.0778
If the amount exceeds LTL 40 000 or equivalent in foreign currency, the better rate can be applied depending on the rates in international Foreign Exchange markets. For more information please telephone +370 5 2361 330, 2361 367. The rates are for information only and can be changed during the day.


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